Which offices are suitable for Windows 10. Video: download FreeOffice from Softmaker. We create shortcuts for web applications Word, Excel, PowerPoint

MS Office is, of course, a bit expensive to purchase for the average user, especially if he uses Word and Excel exclusively in his work. Free Office for Windows 10, or to be more precise, its analogues, are the best alternative, and, please note, there are quite a few of them! So, as they say, there is room for the user to roam.

In this article I will present to your attention several free software . Perhaps you have already heard and even know some of them, and you will probably be surprised.

Free Office for Windows 10


Perhaps this product the most famous office analogue. I use it myself all the time and recommend it to others. Works on all Windows operating systems, as well as Android, MAC, Linux, etc. OpenOffice works with both text document formats (docx), and tables (xlsx), presentations (pptx), databases, and mathematical formulas. It is possible to create drawings, supports Import and Export of PDF files and much more.

No less famous product. I like it much less than the one described above. I can’t even say for what reason. Although many people, and I know some, like it better. Yes, it is faster and more progressive... It's no joke - it is developed by about 500 programmers!

In operation it is almost identical to the previous one. And if you need standard features from Microsoft Office, then rest assured, you will find them in these two programs.

SoftMaker FreeOffice

At first glance, the application appears to be multifunctional, but this is a misleading assumption. There are more than enough options here. Tables, presentations, databases, etc., etc. In general, everything that can be useful to the user.

Once the program is downloaded, launch it and during installation, enter your real email, since it will come with a serial number for activation.

Polaris Office

The only one free office in this list, which is not Russified, at least at the time of writing this article. If the Russian language has already been added to the utility, please write it in the comments. Thank you in advance!

Many people know this product as a mobile application. Android is promoting it in every possible way and you can constantly see it on smartphones - this is where I first became acquainted with it.

The application was released for Windows relatively recently and has already gathered a sufficient number of its fans.

Here, for subsequent use, you must register on the site. One of the disadvantages in the free version is that the pen and PDF import options will not be available. As for the rest, the options are all there.

At the time of writing, the product was available here in this group on Odnoklassniki.

This is a good option. Easy to use, harmonious, supports all file formats of its expensive counterpart. You can also work with tables, presentations, etc. Offers cloud solutions for firms, companies and organizations. Supports all types of OS, including mobile ones.

WPS Office

An office suite from Chinese developers, formerly known as Kingsoft Office. Russian-speaking, works in Windows, Android and Linux. At the time of working with it, I did not identify any shortcomings. In addition to the fact that when printing text and PDF documents it displays its own watermarks. But in essence, it supports all the necessary functions and is quick to use. There are a lot of prepared templates for graphs, presentations, documents, tables. I wanted to highlight this separately!


With all the abundance of free office programs that I have described here and of which there are still a great many, do not forget about Google Docs. Always, as they say, at hand, you don’t need to install anything, access from any place and gadget. Lately, I personally have been using just that, it’s more convenient for me. Well, if you are not used to cloud technologies and it is more convenient for you to work by installing the product on your computer, then any of the utilities described above will suit you. Of course, everyone will choose something separate for themselves. And I, in turn, would like to ask you to write in the comments which of the programs suited you best. and why. Thank you!

Among all office programs, there is a package of applications that is familiar to almost every PC user. This is Microsoft Office - one of the most advanced, convenient and extensive programs used for editing text or graphic documents of any type. The advantage of this program is the presence of several components at once, allowing you to process different types of files. At the same time, you do not have to install all of them, since during the initial installation you can select exactly those components that you need.

The release of the latest version of Windows, the tenth, immediately puzzled millions of users with the question: is it possible to install Office 2007 on Windows 10, and will it be compatible with it? This question is very relevant, since this version of the office continues to be used by many millions of people around the world. The answer to this is given by the developer of this software himself, claiming that, despite the fact that this version of Office is already considered outdated, it is still possible to install it on Windows 10. We will try to figure out how to do this below.

How to install Office 2007 on Windows 10?

To start using Office 2007 in combination with the tenth version of Windows, you need to go through all the classic stages of installing this software package. Initially, you need to find a licensed version of the office, for which you can use the services of the site, where you can always get the best price. Next, you need to run the program installer, which brings up the installation wizard. It offers step-by-step instructions for installing an office, suggesting:

  • selecting language options;
  • entering the key required for activation;
  • confirmation of agreement with the license agreement;
  • selection of necessary software components.

When using Office, in addition to installing Office 2007 on Windows 10, you may well need to restore individual components of the program, for example, installing Visio or updating Word. To do this, go to the Start menu and enter the command “appwiz.cpl” in the search field. Then you need to select the required component to restore or add and click “Continue”. You will then be able to update individual components of the software package by adding or removing the required elements from it. This allows you to create a standard client for installing Office 2007, the interface of which will be familiar and familiar to every user.

For study, office work, and editing various types of files, every PC user needs a package of office programs. Office programs often refer to Word, Excel and other applications from the Microsoft Office suite. However, these programs are paid and are often not suitable for government agencies or home use due to their high cost. Therefore, we suggest you understand the topic of which Office is best for Windows 10 and how to use it for free.

Which Office is compatible with Windows 10?

The official Microsoft website indicates which Microsoft Office package can be installed on Windows 10. Among the compatible products are:

  • Office 2016 (version 16);
  • Office 2013 (version 15);
  • Office 2010 (version 14).

Office suite 2007 (version 12) will not work on the new operating system.

On devices with a touch input screen, Windows 10 developers recommend installing Office Mobile applications: simplified versions of applications that are adapted specifically for touch control and do not require the use of a keyboard or mouse. For those who do not know how to download mobile versions of office programs, you should go to the Windows Store and enter “Office” in the search field. Options will appear in the output field. We choose among them: “Word Mobile” or “Excel Mobile”.

The free Open Office suite of office programs is also compatible with Windows 10. This is an analogue of the Microsoft product, only with a simplified interface and tools.

Which Office is the best for Windows 10: examples of installation and use

You can install any compatible version of Microsoft Office on your computer or laptop with Windows 10. However, if you just need a free product, you should pay attention to the following programs:

  • Open Office;
  • Office 365: trial version for 1 month with cloud storage in 1 TB of memory;
  • Microsoft Office ONLINE.
  • You will be able to try and decide which package is the best and then install it on your PC;
  • Free use in the first option and free, only with a limitation of 1 month, in the second;
  • The online version does not need to be installed.

Both Open Office and Office 365 are suitable for the new operating system. Therefore, we suggest considering ways to install them.

Installing Open Office

In order to download Open Office, you should follow the link and select “Download Apache Open Office”.

IMPORTANT! When saving a document, you should indicate compatibility with Microsoft Word or Excel in the “File Type” section. Otherwise, you may have problems opening the file on another PC.

Set up a free trial of Office 365

To install a trial version of the latest build of office programs on your PC, you should follow the link and click “Try for free”.

A new window will appear, which will indicate that after a month of free use of the program, it will cost... (the amount depends on the region).

By downloading and installing the free software package, a month of free use will be enough to see if these applications are suitable for your PC.

Using Microsoft Office ONLINE

If you rarely use office programs or have little free space on your PC, Microsoft Office is available online. It does not need to be installed or purchased, and in terms of functionality it is in no way inferior to a standard software package.

To use Microsoft Office online, you should do the following:

  • We create program shortcuts. Right-click on the desktop and select “Create”, “Shortcut”. In the address bar of the program, enter “https://office.live.com/start/Word.aspx?ui=ru%2DRU&rs=RU” for Word; “https://office.live.com/start/Excel.aspx?ui=ru%2DRU&rs=RU” for Excel and “https://office.live.com/start/PowerPoint.aspx?ui=ru%2DRU&rs =RU" for PowerPoint.

  • Before you can save or edit a document, you need to create a Documents folder in OneDrive. Using Explorer, create a “Documents” folder in OneDrive.

  • Now click on the cloud icon on the system tray and select “Options”.

  • A new window will open. Go to the “AutoSave” tab. In the “Documents” item you need to select “OneDrive”.

  • After that, double-click to launch the shortcut. A new window will appear. Click “Sign in with a Microsoft account.”

  • Let's get to work. After saving the document, you can open it as follows. Right-click and select “View in One Drive.”

  • Next, from the context menu, select “Edit in Word” or “Edit in Word Online.”

This use is convenient, and most importantly, you do not need to install or buy the program. Therefore, after familiarizing yourself with the versions of the program, you can decide for yourself which one is most suitable for you.

The software package from Microsoft, succinctly called Office, seems to be one of the most popular tools among users for creating documents, tables, presentations, databases and other files that can be used in the process of working in the office. In this regard, it makes sense to figure out how to install Office on Windows 10 for free and discuss the nuances associated with this.

Selecting a package version

The functionality of the programs and the presence of vulnerabilities and errors in them largely depend on the version of the package that you plan to install. It would seem that if you choose the newest package, you can avoid all sorts of problems inherent in outdated versions! But it's not that simple. Microsoft is focused primarily on commercial activities, and therefore does not provide the opportunity to use the program completely free of charge.

All the loyalty to users that it was capable of was limited to providing a free trial period, after which you would have to shell out a fairly large amount.

At the same time, other different versions of this software package have become widespread on the Internet, which were hacked by pirates and are completely free. Of course, the stability of such programs, as well as their reliability, are often questionable, however, this is perhaps the only possible option for using this software for free. But you shouldn’t do this, because... it is illegal!

Depending on the version of the program, the installation process may vary.

Office installation

  • Installation of this package, despite the impressive size of the copied files, is quite simple and usually takes no more than ten minutes. It is as standardized as possible. The installation process traditionally has several stages:
  • Welcome window, where you should click “Next”;
  • Selecting the file installation path, which can be left standard, or you can register it yourself, and then click “Next”;
  • A window displaying the installation progress (you must wait for it to finish);

Window that completes installation.

It is important to note that the installation process may take different times on computers with different configurations and computing capabilities. In addition, the media used for installation also matters.

Working with discs (both CDs and DVDs) takes a little more time than installing ones downloaded to your hard drive. In addition, if we are talking about the so-called free version of Office (this can only be a pirated version), you should read the installation instructions included with the program itself. After all, installation may involve copying a special file called a tablet, which allows you to use a paid program for free.

Despite the fact that there are alternatives to the Microsoft package, they are not popular. This may be due to poor awareness or an unusual interface. However, they can be a good alternative option in case there is no desire or opportunity to use pirated programs. The highest quality analogues include the Libre Office software packages, as well as Open and WPS Office, which are supplied completely free of charge and do not require a subscription or any other form of payment.

Free Office for Windows 10 is possible even without torrents and hacked application packages. The only question is in what form the programs will be presented, for how long, and whether they will be original applications from Microsoft or full-featured analogues from third-party developers.

In this article, we will look at original products from Microsoft that can be used without a license, and such popular “office substitutes” as OpenOffice, LibreOffice, OnlyOffice and some popular web services.

Free options for using MS Office

The cost of the Office 365 package makes me a little sad. For a basic package of four applications you will have to pay more than 5,000 rubles at a time, and if you need Outlook, Publisher and Access - from 2,700 to 3,400 rubles annually. But once upon a time you could just buy a Microsoft Office disk, and no subscriptions or bank cards.

But all this is nostalgia, but there is a fact - we don’t want to pay for office applications. The purchased Windows 10 does not include MS Office programs: you can only work with text in Notepad. However, there are several options to use Microsoft office applications for free.

  1. Download the trial version for a month.
  2. Use online versions of programs.

The offer immediately states that Microroft gives such joy only for a month. Users have access to all Office 365 features for 30 days, after which they must pay. To ensure that you don’t accidentally forget to pay for your subscription, Microsoft will require you to enter your bank card details before installing the trial version.

You can cancel your subscription at any time, so it's entirely possible to use the office suite for a month and then part ways with Microsoft without paying anything. But the applications will also stop working, and the next time you can try a trial subscription only after a year.

If you're not comfortable with such a short relationship, look to the web versions of the Office apps. They will not reach into your pocket a month after meeting you, but will regularly complete their assigned tasks. You can find them in the Office Online section of the Microsoft website.

There are four programs available online. To use them, you need a Microsoft account, which you can create for free.

Web versions offer the same functionality as traditional office programs. When you pay for a subscription, you can even move from online to classic programs and save all changes in the document. The only drawback is that a constant Internet connection is required.

Other web services

Web applications for creating documents are also available on cloud storage. If you have a Google account, you can easily create a text file in the "" application.

If you use Yandex mail, you automatically get access to the repository, which contains free web versions of Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Their functionality is a little limited compared to classic applications, but the basic capabilities are available, so you can easily write text, calculate in an Excel spreadsheet, or create a simple presentation.


The main competitor of Microsoft Office, which is distributed under a free license. The OpenOffice package can be installed in educational and government institutions, commercial and budget organizations, and used for personal purposes. The package includes tools for working with text files, tables, presentations, drawings, databases and formulas.

OpenOffice is installed on computers in many organizations, and since 2008 it has been studied in Russian schools as part of the basic software package. What you do in Microsoft applications can be done in OpenOffice. The packages are fully compatible, although when trying to open an ODT file (OpenOffice's native format) in older versions of Word, minor layout errors may occur that do not interfere with working with the document.

By default, OpenOffice uses the ODT format to save text documents, but if you constantly have to open these files in Word, it is recommended to change the format to DOC. To change the format, select " Save as" on the menu " File"and indicate the type DOC.

In the program settings you can set the format to be used DOC default. This is done through the section " Options" on the menu " Service».

Click on the plus sign next to " Downloads and saving", select the tab " Are common", configure the option " Always save as" and apply the configuration by clicking " OK"These are perhaps the only steps you should take to interact more effectively with Microsoft Office products.


LibreOffice was created in 2010 as a fork of the OpenOffice project. The development of the office suite is carried out by a community of five hundred programmers, and their work is paid from a fund of donations from individuals and organizations. So if you choose LibreOffice, do not forget to thank the developers for their work - the entire financial side of the project is based on this.

The LibreOffice package is distributed under a free license, that is, it can be safely used in budget and commercial organizations, not to mention installation on a personal computer. Works not only on Windows, but also on OS X and Linux. Additionally, LibreOffice has online editors that are also available for free.

The package includes the following applications:

  • Writer (similar to Word);
  • Calc (Excel);
  • Impress (PowerPoint);
  • Draw – vector graphics editor;
  • Math – formula editor;
  • Base (Access).

LibreOffice, like OpenOffice, offers even more features than the original Microsoft Office.

At the same time, the programs fully support Office formats, including DOCX, XLSX and PPTX. By default, text files are saved in the format ODF, when opened in the same Word an error message appears. But if you select the menu item “ Save as” and specify a format native to Microsoft, then there will be no problems, including in the layout and display of elements.

In addition, the LibreOffice text editor has the ability to work without a mouse using hotkey combinations. This is very convenient when typing on a laptop and tablet - tested in practice when writing this paragraph 😉


OnlyOffice is an office suite from Russian developers, which is distributed free of charge in the basic version. It includes desktop applications and online editors. The corporate version also has its own CRM and email aggregator.

OnlyOffice is intended for small and medium-sized companies, but it will also be extremely useful for free home use. The program supports original formats of the Microsoft office suite and allows you to work with text, tables and presentations in one window, switching between tabs. Text documents can be saved in DOCX, ODT, RTF, TXT and PDF formats. Spreadsheets – in XLSX, ODS and CSV. Presentations – in PPTX, ODP and PDF.

The interface is reminiscent of Microsoft products, but it will take some time to master. When opening files with layout created in Word, Excel and PowerPoint, no errors were found.

One of the main advantages of Onlyoffice is its support for large documents. While other office applications throw an error or take an insanely long time before loading text, Onlyoffice calmly launches and shows the contents of the file. If you often have to work with voluminous works, then you will certainly appreciate the speed of completing the task.

Other office applications

The list of office application packages is not limited to the listed programs. If you don't like either OpenOffice or OnlyOffice, check out these other suggestions:

They all include tools for working with text and spreadsheets, WPS Office and SoftMaker FreeOffice, and Polaris Office have tools for creating and editing presentations. In addition, Polaris Office offers to convert PDF to Microsoft Office formats, then make edits and save the result. Synchronization with applications on other systems also generates positive feedback: Polaris is available on Windows, Mac OS, Android and iOS.

WPS Office is considered the best in terms of compatibility with Microsoft document formats, but everything is spoiled by its conditional freeness. You can create and edit files on the free version, but the app will add watermarks when printing. To remove them, you will have to buy a subscription. Plus, WPS Office ruined its reputation by installing viruses without the knowledge of users. The program was developed in China, and there they like to force install them along with other software to distribute new products.

There's nothing bad to say about SoftMaker FreeOffice, but the applications here seem less functional than those in other office suites. The program can be used to edit text, tables and presentations, but the feeling of a constant lack of capabilities does not go away.

Calligra Suite and SSuite Office also do not have powerful functionality and can only replace the built-in Notepad in Windows. You can try to work with them, but it is much more effective to use web versions of the same Microsoft products: there are more possibilities, and they do not take up space on your computer, since they work on the “cloud”.

So what should you choose?

There are so many office packages that it’s dizzying. How to choose the best one? If Office Live (the original web service from Microsoft) is not suitable for you and you need free desktop editors, then you should start with OpenOffice And LibreOffice. These are the most popular solutions with a large audience that have earned trust.

If they are not satisfied with their work, do not hesitate to try other office packages: Onlyoffice, Polaris, SoftMaker FreeOffice.

There is no perfect solution. When choosing a program, pay attention to the usability of the interface, the availability of the functions you need, and the speed of operation. For some, a simple text editor is enough, while others write text on their phone, edit it on a computer and send it to cloud storage. We talked about what solutions there are. They all work and cope with the assigned tasks. Which one will be best is up to you to decide.

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Free Office for Windows 10. Review of programs. updated: January 25, 2018 by: admin